
EvidParad & EvidPart

EvidParad: Evidentiality is a feature of the verbal paradigm.

EvidPart: Evidentiality is marked by the use of specific particles.

‘A bear came into the village yesterday.’ (L. P.)
‘(They say that) the forest spirit is very evil.’ (L. P.)

In Komi-Permyak evidentiality can be expressed using the tense system or the particle ‘reportedly, they say’. The first and second past tenses are standardly distinguished based on evidentiality, with the first past forms used when the speaker witnessed the event under discussion (1), and the second past in case the information is not first-hand (2). The paradigm of the second past tense is not complete: grammars do not list first person forms (Skribnik – Kehayov 2018), since it is impossible to share first person information that is not witnessed. Indirect evidentiality can also be expressed with the help of the particle (2) in every tense (Ponomareva 2010). Within the categories of direct and indirect evidentiality, Permyak does not distinguish between visual, auditory, olfactory, or inference-based sources of information.

Author: Ditta Szabó

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