
(InitCpl) & Q & Else

(InitCpl): The only structural difference between dependent and independent polar questions is the optional use of a clause-initial subordinating complementizer with the former.

Q: The only structural difference between dependent and independent polar questions is the obligatory use of a question particle with the former.

Else: The language uses a specific strategy.

(1)«talunem(ja)kino?» – jual-i-speťa.
‘”Is there anything on at the cinema today?” – asked Petya.’ (L. P.)

‘Petya is asking whether there is anything on at the cinema today. (Ponomareva 2010: 96)

‘Petya is asking whether there is anything on at the cinema today. (Ponomareva 2010: 96)

‘Petya is asking whether there is anything on at the cinema today. (L. P.)

‘Xenia asked whether Vitaliy was making pirog.’ (L. P.)

‘Xenia asked whether Vitaliy was making pirog.’ (L. P.)

‘Xenia asked whether Vitaliy was making pirog.’ (L. P.)

In Komi-Permyak, dependent polar questions have an obligatory question particle, the most commonly ja (2)–(4), which may combine with the optional subordinating conjunction što ‘that’ at the beginning of the sentence, or, more rarely the subordinating conjunction myj, originally meaning ‘what’ (4) (Ponomareva 2010: 96, L. P.). In the case of direct reporting the particle ja is optional (1). There may be two particles at the beginning of the subordinate clause (5)–(6). More rarely, non-finite constructions can also be used (7) to form dependent polar questions (L. P.).

Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás

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