
CauseV & CauseWV2 (+CauseWV1)

CauseV: Causal relationships are marked by a special verb form in the reason clause.

CauseWV2: Causal relationships are marked by an independent word (conjunction) in the reason clause.

CauseWV1: Causal relationships are marked by an independent word in the main clause.

’I went to the doctor because my head hurt.’ (L. P.)

’I went to the doctor because my head hurt.’ (L. P.)

’(S)he cannot sew trousers because (s)he has no sewing machine.’ (Ponomareva 2010: 43)

In Komi-Permyak, causal relationships can be expressed using a non-finite construction (1) or a subordinate clause introduced by a conjunction (2)–(3) (L. P., Lobanova 2018: 29). In the latter case subordination may be introduced by an optional element in the main clause (2) (L. P.).

Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás

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