
ShareNomLoc + Cmnt

ShareNomLoc: Nominal and locational predicates are coded the same way.

+Cmnt: Although the language displays the features of some other value, additional information is needed to clarify its type.

’Nastya is a cook.’ (L. P.)

’Nastya is in the library.’ (L. P.)

’I was a cook.’ (L. P.)

’I was in the library.’ (L. P.)

In Komi-Permyak present tense affirmative sentences in indicative mood, the copula has a zero form in every person and number both in nominal (1) and locational (2) predication. In all environments different from this, an overt copula appears (3)–(4) (vö. Bartens 2000: 292–293).

Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás

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