
SuffAdvSb & FinalAdvSb

SuffAdvSb: The language uses suffixes as a means for embedded adverbial subordination that appear (directly or indirectly) after the verbal stem.

FinalAdvSb: An independent subordinator appears at the end of the subordinate clause.

’I went to see the doctor because I had a headache.’ (L. P.)

’After the children went to bed, Liza washed the dishes.’ (L. P.)

’Before leaving home, Misha tied up the dog.’ (L. P.)

’If it rains in the autumn, it will be a long autumn.’ (Ponomareva 2010: 211)

’If they leave home we will go away from here.’ (Korp_Permyak)

In Komi-Permyak, adverbial clauses of reason (1) and time (2)–(3) can be expressed using non-finite subordination, but conditional meanings (4)–(5) require subordinate sentences with two finite clauses. Non-finite subordination can be expressed in the form of participle clauses with case marking (1) or postpositions (2), or by the use of a converb (3) (cf. Lobanova 2018).

Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás

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