SVO: The basic word order of content questions is SVO.
(1) | tańa | giž-ö | ńebög-sö. |
| Tanya | write‑PRS.3SG | book‑ACC.3SG |
| ’Tanya writes her book.’ (V. E.) |
(2) | kör | tańa | giž-ö | ńebög-sö? |
| when | Tanya | write‑PRS.3SG | book‑ACC.3SG |
| ’When does Tanya write her book?’ (V. E.) |
(3) | kör | tańa | ńebög-sö | giž-ö? |
| when | Tanya | book‑ACC.3SG | write‑PRS.3SG |
| ’(As for) her book, when does Tanya write it?’ (V. E.) |
(4) | kör | giž-ö | tańa | ńebög-sö? |
| when | write‑PRS.3SG | Tanya | book‑ACC.3SG |
| ’(As for) Tanya, when does she write her book?’ (V. E.) |
(5) | kör | giž-ö | ńebög-sö | tańa? |
| when | write‑PRS.3SG | book‑ACC.3SG | Tanya |
| ’When does Tanya write her book?’ (V. E.) |
(6) | tańa | kör | giž-ö | ńebög-sö? |
| Tanya | when | write‑PRS.3SG | book‑ACC.3SG |
| ’(As for) Tanya, when does she write her book?’ (V. E.) |
The basic word order of Komi-Permyak sentences is SVO, both in declarative (1) and interrogative (2) sentences. SOV (3), VSO (4) and VOS (5) orders are possible as well, but they cannot be regarded as neutral (V. E.). The question word is usually in sentence initial position (2)–(5) but it can also be in situ (6). More research is needed.
Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás
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