
AdjMSt & StAdjM

AdjMSt: The adjective is followed by the marker, then the standard.

StAdjM: The standard is followed by the adjective, then the marker.

’Nastya is prettier than Katya.’ (Ponomareva 2010: 162)

’Petya is faster than Misha.’ (Ponomareva 2010: 162)

’A bear is stronger than a fox.’ (L. P.)

’A bear is stronger than a fox.’ (L. P.)

In Komi-Permyak comparative constructions, the adjective is marked with the comparative suffix -žyk (Ponomareva 2010: 162). The standard either has preclusive case (1), (4) (Bartens 2000: 90) or appears together with the conjunction ńeželi ‘than’ (3) (Ponomareva 2010: 162). The standard may occasionally precede the comparative adjective (4), but such word orders result from focusing (L. P.).

Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás

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