

DemAff: Case is marked on demonstratives using suffixes.

’Mikov loves this dog.’ (L. P.)

’The road to this village leads through the forest.’ (Ponomareva 2010: 234)

The demonstrative pronouns of Komi-Permyak are proximal eta ’this’, etna ’these’ and distal sija ’that’, nija ’those’ (Batalova 2002: 86). The latter have the same form as third person singular and plural personal pronouns (cf. Ponomareva 2010). Demonstratives have a full case paradigm (Batalova 2002: 86), but in adnominal position only grammatical cases show case concord with the noun (1), other cases do not (2) (L. P.)

Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás

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