
AdpPNonPM / AdpPPM

AdpPNonPM: Person marking cannot be expressed on adpositions.

AdpPPM: Person marking is required on non-personal pronominal adpositions.

’What is your complaint?’ (Ponomareva 2010: 177)

’There are all kinds of books on his/her/its shelf.’ (Ponomareva 2010: 87)

’Talk about yourself.’ (L. P.)

’The students were talking among themselves.’ (Korp-Permyak)

In Komi-Permyak, the postpositions appearing with non-personal pronouns do not have person marking (1), even if they can do so in the environment of other word categories (2). When combined with the pronoun as ’self’ the person marking of postpositions follows the pattern of postpositions appearing with nouns and personal pronouns: some postpositions do not have person marking (3), whereas others do (4) (Batalova 2002: 114–119).

Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás

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