
AdpNNonPM / AdpN(PM)

AdpNNonPM: Person marking cannot be expressed on nominal adpositions.

AdpN(PM): Person marking is optional for adpositions when they appear with nouns.

’next to the table’ (L. P.)

’next to my table’ (L. P.)

’next to my table’ (L. P.)

’for our class’ (L. P.)

In Komi-Permyak, adpositions usually cannot be marked for person, but some – primarily those expressing genuine spatial relationships (1)–(3) – can, in case the nouns they are associated with express possession (3). If the adposition cannot be marked for person, their nominal complements will be marked. (4) (Batalova 2002: 114–119).

Author: Nikolett F. Gulyás

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