Occurrence of nominal plurality (Meadow Mari)


OblPlmk: Marking of nominal plurality is obligatory.

‘Sergey saw the child.’ (‘Sergey saw a child.’) (UTA)

‘Sergey saw the children.’ (‘Sergey saw children.’) (UTA)

‘Sergey saw the children.’ (‘Sergey saw children.’) (UTA)

‘Sergey saw the children.’ (‘Sergey saw children.’) (UTA)

‘Sergey saw two children.’ (UTA)

The Meadow Mari marker of plurality is -vlak, which can be attached to any nominal. An affix with the same meaning, -šaməč, disappeared from the written language in the 1950’s, but is still fairly widespread in several dialects. A further affix, -vlä, is also used as a plural marker in the northwestern dialects (Alhoniemi 1985: 69—71).

After numerals above one the singular form of the noun is used as well (5).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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Alhoniemi, Alho 1985. Marin kielioppi. Apuneuvoja suomalais-ugrilaisten kielten opintoja varten 10. Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen seura.

Bereczki, Gábor 1990. Chrestomathia ceremissica. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó.

Kangasmaa-Minn, Eeva 1998. Mari. In Abondolo, Daniel (ed.), The Uralic Languages. Routledge Language Family Descriptions. New York: Routledge. 219–248.

UTA = http://people.uta.fi/~km56049/mari/pluralmari.html (Accessed on 2018-05-23.)