Reduplication (Meadow Mari)


TtlRdp: Total reduplication of an entire word, relative stem, or absolute stem (root) is used productively.

(1) dissertacijpaša-merkənvoz-em.
dissertation workACCslowlywrite1SG
’I am writing my dissertation slowly.’ (T. E.)

dissertation workACCslowlyslowlywrite1SG
’I am writing my dissertation rather slowly (now and then).’ (T. E.)

’(S)he says Andrey has died.’ (Riese 2016: 3287)

’According to the gossip Andrej has died’. (Riese 2016: 3287)

In Meadow Mari reduplication is often used to express intensity or the repetitive nature of a process (2). Certain words can acquire a completely new meaning as a result of reduplication, cf. (3) vs (4) (Riese 2016).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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