(Meadow Mari)


NoOptInfl: There is no distinct verbal paradigm to express the optative mood.

(1)kajə-ne-žegən, kajə-že.
’If (s)he wants to go, let her/him go.’ (T. E.)

’Yulya should learn to play the guitar.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 134)

’Yulya should learn to play the guitar.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 134)

‘I want to become a doctor and help people.’ (Kidsher)

(5)məńpäl-em:kert-kec-ədäsrazysovjetskij sojuz-əmnel-ne-dä.
‘I know that you would swallow the whole Soviet Union if you could.’ (Alhoniemi 1985: 123)

There are different ways to express optative meanings in Meadow Mari (1)–(3) but there is no verbal paradigm designated solely for the expression of the speaker’s wishes. Certains grammar of Mari considered outdated today use the label optative for desideratives (4), or the conditional construction with the mood marker -kec(ə)/-gec(ə) that is present in Hill Mari (but absent from Meadow Mari) (5) (cf. Beke 1911: 353 quoting Reguly; Castrén 1845: 34, 36, 38–41). These, however, are different from the optative category under discussion here.

Author: Bogáta Timár

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