(Meadow Mari)


AdvCopDep: The copula does or does not occur with adverbial predicates depending on specific grammatical criteria.

’(S)he is in the river.’ (T. E.)

’(S)he is in the river.’ (T. E.)

’I am in the river.’ (A. S.)

’(S)he will be in the river’. (A. S.)

’(S)he would like to be in the river.’ (A. S.)

’(S)he is not in the river.’ (A. S.)

In Meadow Mari the copula is optional in stative affirmative third person singular present tense sentences in indicative mood (1)─(2). Everywhere else the copula is obligatory including non-third person singular forms (3), non-present tenses (4), non-indicative mood (5) and negation (6).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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