(Meadow Mari)

RepdVBlcd & RepdVDrkd

RepdVBlcd: Although direct and indirect reported clauses display some differences, the verb of the reported clause appears in base form in both types.

RepdVDrkd: A special verb form is used in indirect reported clauses.

’I’m going home - said Nadyush.’ (T. E.)

’Nadyush said she would go home.’ (T. E.)

’Nadyush said she would go home.’ (T. E.)

’Nadyush said she would go home.’ (A. S.)

’(S)he revealed that I was a linguist. ((S)he said my being a linguist.)’ (T. E.)

Meadow Mari has direct (1) and indirect (2)─(5) ways of reporting. In the latter case the verb is either in its base form (2)─(4), or in a non-finite form (5).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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