(Meadow Mari)

NPPnonobl + Aux

NPPnonobl: The indirect object may be optionally marked by the explicit use of the noun or an independent pronoun.

Aux: The indirect object is marked by the use of an auxiliary, which may also mark other grammatical categories.

’Would you like coffee or tea?’ (T. E.)

’Ivan gave Veruk a book.’ (T. E.)

’Dad, buy me a rifle.’ (Galkin 1990─2005, чытырымаш)

’Ivan read Veruk a book.’ (Bradley et al. 2019: 27)

In Meadow Mari, recipients (indirect objects) are expressed with a dative marked noun or pronoun (1)─(2). In the case of grammaticalized converb constructions, the verb can indicate the presence of an indirect object when the lexical converb co-occurs with a verb form originally meaning ‘give’, which has both a perfect aspectual and a beneficiary role at the same time. In such sentences dative marked nouns or pronouns are optional (3), (4) (Bradley et al. 2019: 19─36).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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