(Meadow Mari)


PPGenOblPoss(Aff): The possessor is expressed by the personal pronoun in non-base form, alongside which affixation of the possessed noun is optional.

‘I don’t have other children.’ (Alhoniemi 1985: 77)

‘My soul burns for you.’ (T. E.)

‘My ring is silver.’ (Bereczki 1990: 42)

‘His/her dog will even eat cucumbers.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 62)

In Meadow Mari, the genitive suffix is -(ə)n. Pronominal possessors are optional (2), (4). With a pronominal possessor, the possessed noun can have an analytic form not marked for person, where the sole marker of the possessor is the pronoun in genitive case (3) (Bereczki 1990: 42) (Riese et al. 2022: 66─67).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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