(Meadow Mari)

PsrPrdKopPossHab +NonPx

PsrPrdKopPossHab: The predicate is copular, and the possessor appears in the same form as the habitive form, which is not distinct from the adnominative form.

+NonPx: The possessed noun appears without a possessive suffix.

’This book is Sasha’s.’ (T. E.)

’This book was Sasha’s.’ (T. E.)

’Sasha’s book is red.’ (T. E.)

’Sasha has books.’ (T. E.)

‘The pope’s fur coat is warm.’ (Lewy 1926: 3)

In Meadow Mari, the possessor of a possessive predication construction (1)─(2) has the same genitive form as in adnominal (3), and habitive (4) possession. The predicate of the sentence expressing possessive predication is the copula, which has a zero form in present tense indicative mood (1). In adnominal possessive constructions the possessive suffix on the possessee is not obligatory (5), however, the version with the suffix (3) is far more common. The suffix is obligatory in habitive possessives (4), but never appears in sentences of possessor predication (1)─(2).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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