(Meadow Mari)

InitAdvSb / FinalAdvSb / InternAdvSb

InitAdvSb: An independent subordinator appears at the front of the subordinate clause.

FinalAdvSb: An independent subordinator appears at the end of the subordinate clause.

InternAdvSb: An independent subordinator appears within the subordinate clause.

’Let blood be spilled only when mountain rocks bleed.’ (Arkhangelskiy 2019)

’When (s)he invited us to Mishkan, we accepted at once.’ (Arkhangelskiy 2019)

’Uncle Akhtari did not agree because it was very expensive.’ (Arkhangelskiy 2019)

’If the weather is better tomorrow, we will go to the countryside.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 101)

Meadow Mari uses independent subordinators, most of which appear at the front of the subordinate clause (2)-(3). Some of these subordinators can also occupy a clause-internal position (1). A smaller group of subordinators appear clause-finally (4).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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