(Meadow Mari)


DegAdj: Degree words always (or almost always) precede adjectives.

’My friends’ house is very big.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 75)

(2)šəže ─idalək-ənpešmotoržap-še.
‘Autumn is a very nice time of the year.’ (Arkhangelskiy 2019)

’Mariland, homeland, you are very dear.’ (O. E.)

In Meadow Mari degree words precede the adjective irrespective of whether they have an adnominal (2) or predicative (1) function. Sporadic examples of post-adjectival degree words can also be found (3), predominantly in the lyrical genres, motivated by stylistic considerations such as meter or rhyme.

Author: Bogáta Timár

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