(Meadow Mari)


PCV: The purpose complement generally precedes the main event.

’We’re going to the café to eat.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 255)

’I read different news to be up-to-date.’ (Arkhangelskiy 2019)

’We are working hard to improve work results.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 166)

’What can one think of in order to improve one’s life? (Korp.)

’In order for their mother to sleep peacefully, the children are playing quietly.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 241)

In Meadow Mari, purposive meanings can be expressed using either subordinate clauses or non-finite constructions. The non-finite construction can be the infinitival form of the purposive complement (1), which can combine with the conjunction manən (2). The dative form of the future participle (4) is also a possibility, together with the combination of the participle and the postposition verč (3). In case the subjects of the purposive complement and the main event differ, there are two finite clauses in the sentence connected by the conjunction manən (5). Without exception, the main event follows the purposive clause.

Author: Bogáta Timár

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