(Meadow Mari)

CmpzSC & SCCmpz & SC~Cmpz

CmpzSC: The complementizer appears at the front of the subordinate clause.

SCCmpz: The complementizer appears at the end of the subordinate clause.

SC~Cmpz: The complementizer appears in a position other than the front or end of the subordinate clause.

‘But in spite of this I know that normal Mari people actually understand me.’ (Arkhangelskiy 2019)

‘Time is passing, I thought…’ (Arkhangelskiy 2019)

‘Petya asked what Salika was eating.’ (T. E.)

In Meadow Mari the subordinating conjunction is optional. When it is present, it can be clause initial (1), clause final (2), but it can also appear between the subject and verb of the main clause (3), depending on the subordinating conjunction used.

Author: Bogáta Timár

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