(Meadow Mari)
InS: Interrogative phrases display in situ word order; that is, the IP appears in the same position in a question as would its equivalent phrase in the full-sentence answer to the question.
(1) | spektakl | lu | šagat-lan | tüŋal-eš. |
| play | ten | clock‑DAT | begin‑3SG |
| ’The play begins at ten.’ (T. E.) |
(2) | spektakl | minjar-lan | tüŋal-eš? |
| play | how_many‑DAT | begin‑3SG |
| ’What time does the play start?’ (Riese et al. 2022: 148) |
(3) | te | jəlməze | ul-əda. |
| you | linguist | be‑2PL |
| ’You are linguists.’ (T. E.) |
(4) | te | kö | ul-əda? |
| you | who | be‑2PL |
| ’Who are you?’ (Riese et al. 2022: 148) |
(5) | təj | ješ-əšte | kokəmšo | joča | ul-at. |
| you | family‑INE | second | child | be‑2SG |
| ’You are the second child in your family.’ (T. E.) |
(6) | təj | ješ-əšte | mənjarəmše | joča | ul-at? |
| you | family‑INE | what_number | child | be‑2SG |
| ’What number child are you in your family?’ (Riese et al. 2022: 148) |
In Meadow Mari interrogative phrases appear in the position where their equivalent phrases would be in an indicative sentence (Riese et al. 2022: 147─148).
Author: Bogáta Timár
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