(Meadow Mari)

Abl+CompMkAff & Abl+NoCompMk

Abl: The standard is grammatically or morphologically marked to express an ablative (‘from’) meaning.

+CompMkAff: The comparative function is marked using a special affix (prefix, suffix, or circumfix).

+NoCompMk: The comparative function is not marked.

’The gate is taller than a fence.’ (Bereczki 1990: 44)

’Snow is whiter than paper.’ (Pengitov 1961: 103)

’My child is sweeter than honey and sugar.’ (T. E.)

In Meadow Mari the standard is in ablative case (3) or appears with a postposition of ablative/elative meaning, which can also function as a comparative conjunction. This can be the elative postposition gəč (1) or ablative deč (2). The comparative property of the predicate can optionally be marked using the comparative suffix -rak.

Author: Bogáta Timár

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