(Meadow Mari)

AdNumNoCase & PronNum=NCase

AdNumNoCase: Adnominal numerals are not inflected. (No numeral agreement.)

PronNum=NCase: Pronominal numerals are inflected the same as the nouns they replace.

’I study four languages.’ (T. E.)

’How many languages do you study? Four.’ (T. E.)

’If you chase two rabbits, you can’t catch either of them.’ (Alhoniemi 1985: 98)

In Meadow Mari, numerals in adnominal function do not agree with the noun (1). When they have a pronominal function, the long form of the numeral is used, which has the same agreement properties as the noun that it replaces (2)–(3).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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