(Meadow Mari)

PrsPObl & PrsPOblPossSuff & PossSuff

PrsPObl: Possession is expressed through the use of a personal pronoun in non-base form along with an unmarked possessed noun.

PrsPOblPossSuff: Possession is expressed through the use of a personal pronoun in non-base form and a suffix on the possessed noun.

PossSuff: Possession is expressed through the use of a suffix on the possessed noun; the pronoun referring to the possessor does not appear, regardless of person.

’Our city is very green.’ (T. E.)

’Our city is very green.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 63)

’Our city is very green.’ (T. E.)

’My ring is gold.’ (Bereczki 1990: 42)

’My dress got fully covered with honey.’ (Kangasmaa-Minn 1966: 45)

Possession in Meadow Mari can be expressed in three ways when the possessor is pronominal: i) the possessor is in genitive case with a suffixed possessee (1) (5), ii) the possessor is in genitive case with an unmarked posessee (3) (4), iii) suffixed possessee without an overt possessor (2) (Riese et al. 2022: 60─68). Encoding with possessive suffixation is the most common (Kangasmaa-Minn 1966: 28─118). The mode of expression depends neither on the properties of the possessor nor on those of the possessee (Pleshak 2018: 139─168).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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