(Meadow Mari)

AdpNNonPM & AdpN(PM)

AdpNNonPM: Person marking cannot be expressed on nominal adpositions.

AdpN(PM): Person marking is optional for adpositions when they appear with nouns.

’There is a withered tree standing in the middle of your garden.’ (A. S.)

’There is a withered tree standing in the middle of your garden.’ (A. S.)

’It is our cat that sleeps next to my daughter.’ (A. S.)

In Meadow Mari some of the postpositions can have person marking. Following a noun, these postpositions bear no person marking in most of the cases. However, when the noun is a possessee, the possessive person marking can appear on the postposition as well, contingent on the given noun (1)–(2) (cf. Riese et al. 2022: 162). In the environment of an animate possessee, however, person marking cannot appear on the postposition (3).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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