(Meadow Mari)

VInf=NomCase & VInfCase

VInf=NomCase: Case is marked on nouns; some case affixes attach to nonfinites as well if these nonfinites serve a pronominal function.

VInfCase: Case is marked on nouns; some case affixes attach directly to nonfinites as well, such that the inflected nonfinite serves a non-nominal (e.g., adverbial) function.

’Do you like eggs boiled or fried? Boiled.’ (T. E.)

’One should refrain from eating late in the evening.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 253)

’Nobody knew in the village that Vera and Valya were to come.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 253)

’One must learn a lot to pass an exam.’ (T. E.)

In Meadow Mari, case is marked on non-finite verb forms only in case they have a pronominal function (1)–(3), there is no case concord when they have an adnominal use (1). (Though the verb forms in (2)–(3) are non-finite, they are not used as adverbials but function as nominals.) When the infinitive is used to express purpose, a dative case suffix can optionally be added to it (4).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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