(Meadow Mari)

NoFut / FutOptPfr

NoFut: The language has no future tense in the grammatical sense. (Future time is not expressed through a grammatically distinct form.)

FutOptPfr: Grammatical expression of future time is optional; when used, it is expressed through the use of an auxiliary verb in addition to some form of the main verb, usually nonfinite.

’We are going to Yoshkar-Ola next summer.’ (Riese et al. 2022: 205)

’What will you be when you grow up?’ (Riese et al. 2022: 300)

’I will sing.’ (Bereczki 1990: 54)

In Meadow Mari present tense forms tend to express future time as well, there is no designated grammatical future tense (1) (Riese et al. 2022: 201). Only the existential verb has a future form, which is the verb lijaš ’will be, become’, also used as a copula (2). It has a present tense inflectional paradigm, so expressing future is not the result of the inflection itself (Riese et al. 2022: 300). The other verbs occasionally combine their infinitival form with an inflected form of the verb tüŋalaš ’begin’ to express future reference (3) (Bereczki 1990: 53–54).

Author: Bogáta Timár

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