Occurrence of nominal plurality (Udmurt)

OblPlMK: Marking of nominal plurality is obligatory.

’The teacher is talking.’

’The teachers are talking.’

‘There are ten students sitting in the lecture hall.’ (Kel'makov–Hännikäinen 1999: 53)

’(S)he has a child. / (S)he has children.’ (Winkler 2001: 15)

Apart from a few exceptional cases plural marking on nouns is obligatory in Udmurt.

Indefinite and definite numeral attributive constructions (with numerals higher than 1) constitute a regular exception, where the morphological marking of plurality is optional (3) (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 149; Csúcs 1990: 44, 63; Kel'makov–Hännikäinen 1999: 53; Winkler 2001: 15), but shows systematic correlations with the the animacy hierarchy: after numerals morphological markers of plurality are attested the most frequently, but not exclusively, on animate (cf. Kel'makov–Hännikäinen 1999: 53), especially human (cf. Asztalos 2005: 53, 56) nominals, whereas they are extremely rare on abstract nouns including those expressing time, money, and measurement (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 150–151, Asztalos 2005: 53). Occasionally, plural marking can also be absent when it is recoverable from the context (4) (Winkler 2001: 15).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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Asztalos, Erika 2005. Számjelölés és számbeli egyeztetés a mai udmurt (votják) nyelvben. Szakdolgozat. Kézirat. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem.

Csúcs, Sándor 1990. Chrestomathia Votiacica. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó.

Keľmakov, Valentin – Hännikäinen, Sara 2008. Udmurtin kielioppia ja harjoituksia. Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura.

Perevoshchikov et al. 1962 = Перевощиков, П. Н. – В. В. Вахрушев – В. И. Алатырев – А. А. Поздеева – И. В. Тараканов 1962. Грамматика современного удмуртского языка. Фонетика и морфология. Ижевск: Удмуртское книжное издательство.

Winkler, Eberhard 2001. Udmurt. Languages of the World 212. München: Lincom Europa.