
PossSuffPx & NoAff

PossSuffPx: Possessed nouns are inflected with obligatory personal suffixes that mark agreement with the possessor

NoAff: Possessed nouns are not marked with personal affixes.

’You have got a book/books.’ (Timerkhanova 2012: 43)

(2)miľamvalinďividuaľnojekskursijaʒ́ućgid-en (...).
’We had an individual trip with a Russian guide.’ (AnnushkaZagumennova 06.11.2013)

In Udmurt habitive constructions the possessee has personal suffixes that agree with the possessor in person and number (1) (Winkler 2001: 31). Occasionally this personal suffix can be absent (2).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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