

DitrCeeP: The causee appears in the same form as the patient of a non-causative transitive construction.

(1)nylpi_sad-jos-ty kud-ogpredprijaťi-os-ly śot-yny kutsk-i-zy.
kindergarten PL ACC certaincompany PL DAT give INF begin PST3PL
’They started giving kindergartens to certain companies.’ (UdmCorp.)

’Masha made Sasha give the book to Alyona.’ (Tánczos 2015: 162)

In the ditransitive causative constructions of Udmurt, the causee has an accusative suffix (Tánczos 2015: 162), while the causer is in nominative case. The patient argument of a transitive verb also has an accusative form in case it is definite/specific (cf. Csúcs 2003, Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 144–148, É. Kiss – Tánczos 2018), that is, the causee and the patient are encoded the same way (2). Indefinite/non-specific patients of transitive verbs are morphologically unmarked (cf. Csúcs 2003, Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 31–32, 147–148, É. Kiss & Tánczos 2018), in this case therefore the two functions are encoded using different forms (with the causee having an accusative suffix and the patient of the transitive verb being unmarked).

Author: Laura Horváth

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