
NoAMark & Neutr

NoAMark: The function A is not explicitly marked, while S, P, or both are marked. A is therefore marked with a zero (∅) morpheme.

Neutr: Case alignment is neutral: the functions S, A, and P* are not marked morphologically.

’I read books.’ (Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 31)

’I read this book.’ (Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 32)

’They work.’ (Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 29)

In Udmurt, pronominal A (1)–(2) and S (3) functions are unmarked, while the P function may be either morphologically marked or unmarked. The P function is unmarked in case P is indefinite (cf. Csúcs 2003, Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 31–32, 147–148) or non-specific (cf. É.Kiss – Tánczos 2018) (1), and marked when it is specific (É.Kiss – Tánczos 2018) or definite (2) (Csúcs 2003, Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 31–32, 144–148).

Author: Laura Horváth

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