
(InitCpl) +Q & (FinalCpl) +Q & Else

(InitCpl): The only structural difference between dependent and independent polar questions is the optional use of a clause-initial subordinating complementizer with the former.

(FinalCpl): The only structural difference between dependent and independent polar questions is the optional use of a clause-final or clause-medial subordinating complementizer with the former.

Q: The only structural difference between dependent and independent polar questions is the obligatory use of a question particle with the former.

Else: The language uses a specific strategy.

’I asked if Ivan was watching television.’ (Tánczos 2013: 107)

’Does Ivan watch television?’ (Y. S.)

’I asked if Ivan was watching television.’ (Y. S.)

In Udmurt dependent polar questions can be expressed using either finite (1) or non-finite (3) verb forms.

Finite dependent polar questions always contain an interrogative particle (1). Optionally, at the end of the dependent polar question there can be the complementizer šuysa ’that’, with the Russian borrowing što ‘that’ appearing clause-initially – also optionally (1) (Tánczos 2013: 107). It is possible for both of the complementizers to be present at the same time (ibid). In main clause polar questions neither što nor šuysa appear, and the interrogative particle is optional (2).

(The subordinating conjunction šuysa ’that’ derives from the past participle form of a verb meaning ‘say’ (Baushev 1929: 13), but synchronically can be analysed as a conjunction in sentences like (1) (cf. Tánczos 2013).)

Subjects of non-finite dependent polar questions have dependent case (3), which differs from what we find in main clause polar questions (2). Non-finite dependent questions contain neither conjunctions nor an interrogative particle (3).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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