
WhenVDrkDiffT & WhenVBalDiffT

WhenVDrkDiffT: The verb of a when-clause always appears in a special form, regardless of the features of the verb; however, the specific special form in which it appears (or can appear) depends on its temporal relationship to the verb of the main clause.

WhenVBalDiffT: The verb of a when-clause can appear in either base form or a special form, depending on its temporal relationship to the verb of the main clause.

’The lesson having ended, the kids scattered on the street like peas.’ (Shutov 2011: 277)

’The wedding will be after you have fattened him/her back to what (s)he was like before.’ (Vakhrushev et al. 1974: 61)

’When you are hungry, even dry pancakes taste good.’ (Shutov 2011: 283)

’They come to the president when they feel like it.’ (Vakhrushev et al. 1974: 59)

(5)pojezdkošky-toź, dyr-yztroskyľ-i-zna.
trainleavecvb timeDETmuchremainPST3SGstill
’There is still plenty of time till the train’s departure.’ (Shutov 2011: 286)

In Udmurt temporal clauses expressing anteriority or simultaneity, the verb can have either a non-finite (1), (3) or an uninflected finite form (2), (4). Posteriority, however, can only be expressed using a non-finite verb (5) (cf. Vakhrushev et al. 1974: 58–71). There are several subtypes of non-finite forms, which typically encode different temporal meanings (and, apart from this, different adverbial roles as well) (Vakhrushev et al. 1974: 58–71, Shutov 2011: 273–294, Georgieva 2018: 75–97), l. (1), (3), (5).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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