
PT-R +NoVAgr

PT–R: The objects of monotransitive and ditransitive verbs are marked the same way; the recipient is marked differently.

NoVAgr: The verb does not display agreement with P, T, or R.

(1) tamarakušt-i-z pavel-ez.
’Tamara broke up with Pavel.’ (Y. S.)

(2) gondyrćorygkut-i-z.
’The bear caught a fish.’ (Y. S.)

(3) źurituž-gesnotrosballśot-i-zviktorijapušina-ly.
’The jury gave the highest score to Viktoriya Pushina.’ (Asztalos 2020: 30)

(4) śion-ze pijašpuny-jez-lyśot-i-z.
’The boy gave his food to the dog.’ (Udmurt corpus)

In Udmurt ditransitive constructions, the theme is encoded the same way as the object of monotransitive constructions, and the recipient is encoded differently. Udmurt has differential object marking: non-specific nominal objects are morphologically unmarked, specific indefinites and definites take an accusative suffix (cf. É. Kiss – Tánczos 2018); this distinction shows both in monotransitive (1)–(2) and ditransitive (3)–(4) constructions. Recipients have dative case (3)–(4), or, occasionally, they can be encoded using the postposition ponna ’for’. The verb does not agree with any of these three functions.

Author: Erika Asztalos

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