
PT–R +NoVAgr

PT–R: The objects of monotransitive and ditransitive verbs are marked the same way; the recipient is marked differently.

NoVAgr: The verb does not display agreement with P, T, or R.

’Tamara saw him/her.’ (Y. S.)

(2)tamaraso-je so-lyśot-i-z.
TamaraitACC (s)heDAT givePST3SG
’Tamara gave it to him/her.’ (Y. S.)

In Udmurt ditransitive constructions the theme is encoded the same way as the object of a monotransitive verb, while the recipient has a different form. Personal pronominal objects have accusative case both in monotransitive (1) and ditransitive (2) constructions, and recipients are encoded in a dative form. The verb does not agree with any of these three functions.

Author: Erika Asztalos

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