
PT–R + NoVAgr

PT–R: The objects of monotransitive and ditransitive verbs are marked the same way; the recipient is marked differently.

NoVAgr: The verb does not display agreement with P, T, or R.

’Erika reads books.’ (Y. S.)

’Erika reads/will read this book.’ (Y. S.)

’Yulya gave me chocolate.’ (Y. S.)

’This chocolate was given to me by Yulya.’ (Y. S.)

In Udmurt, the marking of the object is not contingent on the number of the arguments of the verb or whether the recipient is a pronoun or noun, but the type of P and T: definite/specific Ps and Ts have an accusative form (2), (4), whereas indefinite/non-specific Ps and Ts are morphologically unmarked (1), (3) (cf. Csúcs 2003, Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 31–32, 144–148, É. Kiss – Tánczos 2018). Pronominal recipient arguments of ditransitive verbs are dative in form (3)–(4). The verb does not agree with P, T, or R.

Author: Laura Horváth

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