
PT–R + NoVAgr

PT–R: The objects of monotransitive and ditransitive verbs are marked the same way; the recipient is marked differently.

NoVAgr: The verb does not display agreement with P, T, or R.

’(S)he gave it to his/her dear cow.’ (http://sp-18.ru/v-krayu-elej-i-italmasov-gde-zapevayut-rodniki/17/)

’I worked for a while at the kolkhoz too. ’ (Csúcs 2003: 135)

’Erika reads books.’ (Y. S.)

’Erika reads this book.’ (Y. S.)

In Udmurt ditransitive constructions nominal recipients (R) have a dative suffix (1), which is different both from the marking on a pronominal object (T) of the ditransitive verb (1)–(2), and the marking on the nominal P argument of a monotransitive verb (3). The morphological form of personal pronouns and the demonstrative pronoun so is always accusative (Csúcs 2003: 133–134), whereas general, indefinite and negative pronouns can be marked or unmarked. The nominal object argument of a monotransitive verb can have one of two forms: indefinite/non-specific Ps are morphologically unmarked (2), while definite/specific Ps have accusative case (3) (cf. Csúcs 2003, Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 31–32, 144–148, É. Kiss – Tánczos 2018). The verb itself does not agree with any of the three functions.

Author: Laura Horváth

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