

UV: The exclusive word order is UV.

’I feel sick.’ (F. Gulyás 2016: 173)

’The father feels sick.’ (F. Gulyás 2016: 173)

’I feel sick.’ (Bradley et al. 2019)

‘I turned my head around and said: nice.’ (Udmurt corpus)

In Udmurt arguments of type U are only marginally present. Research carried out by F. Gulyás (2016) identified only the verb beryktyny as participating in such a construction (1)–(2); Bradley et al. (2019) found one further example (3). In these sentences the verb follows U (1)–(3).

(The verb beryktyny can also mean ’turn (around)’, in which case the resulting structure has two arguments, an agentive subject and a patient object (4).)

Author: Erika Asztalos

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