
RT+rT+tR+tr: When both T and R appear as nouns, their relative basic word order is RT. If one appears as a pronoun, it precedes the other. If both appear as pronouns, their relative basic word order is tr.

’Vera gave a flower to Peter.’ (Y. S.)

(2)veraśot-i-z petyr-lyśaśka.
Veragivepst3sg Peterdatflower
’Vera gave a flower to Peter.’ (Y. S.)

’Vera gave it to Peter.’ (Y. S.)

(4)veraśot-i-z so-jepetyr-ly.
Veragivepst3sg itaccPeterdat
’Vera gave it to Peter.’ (Y. S.)

’Vera gave you a flower.’ (Y. S.)

(6)veratynyd śot-i-zśaśka.
Verayou.dat givepst3sgflower
’Vera gave you a flower.’ (Y. S.)

’Vera gave it to him/her.’ (Y. S.)

(8)veraso-jeśot-i-z so-ly.
Veraitaccgivepst3sg (s)hedat
’Vera gave it to him/her.’ (Y. S.)

The neutral word order of Udmurt ditransitive constructions is recipient–object in case both the recipient and the object are nouns (1)–(2). When either the object (3)–(4) or the recipient (5)–(6) is a pronoun, it comes first (3)–(6). If both are pronominal the neutral order is object–recipient (7)–(8).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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