

NoIndefArt: The language does not have indefinite articles.

kytynmuńo-os śeremesvyr-i-zy.
’The cartoon Anu liked the most was one where the babies were acting funny.’ (UdmCorp.)

(2)kyče_kegoppalan puny-my odig yž śörybyźy-ly-ny
somevalleytoward dog1PL one sheep behindrunFREQINF
nopićimugor-yn-yzsovyle tetća-nykutsk-i-z.
andsmallbodyINSCOM3SG(s)heon_top jumpINFbeginPST3SG
’Our dog ran behind a sheep in a valley, and kept jumping on it with its small body.’ (UdmCorp.)

In Udmurt the category of indefinite article does not exist independently, but the numeral odig ’one’ can have an indefinite article function as well. In these cases, as well as in its numeral usage, odig ’one’ always precedes the noun (or noun phrase) (1)–(2).

Author: Laura Horváth

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