SuffAdvSb & FinalAdvSb
SuffAdvSb: The language uses suffixes as a means for embedded adverbial subordination that appear (directly or indirectly) after the verbal stem.
FinalAdvSb: An independent subordinator appears at the end of the subordinate clause.
(1) | azamat-e | myny-sa | mi | ul-i-my | inťernat-yn. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Azamat‑ILL | go‑CVB | we | live‑PST‑1PL | boarding_school‑INE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
‘After going to Azamat we lived in a boarding school.’ (Georgieva 2018: 87) |
(2) | ʒ́uć kyl-ez | um | pyrt-a-śk-e | kuspa-my | veraśky-ku. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Russian | language‑ACC NEG.PL | takein‑FREQ‑PRS‑PL | amongeach_other‑1PL talk‑CVB.SIM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
’We don’t use Russian words when we talk to each other.’ (Georgieva 2018: 90) |
(3) | tolkien | kul-em | bere | so-len | pi-jez | Christopher | ataj-ez-leś | potty-mte | kniga-os-se | pott-i-z. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tolkien | die‑NMLZ | after | he‑GEN boy‑3SG Christopher | father‑3SG‑ABL publish‑PTCP.NEG | book‑ PL‑3SG.ACC | publish‑PST‑3SG | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
’After Tolkien’s death, his son, Christopher published his father’s unpublished books.’ (Georgieva 2018: 76) |
(4) | tolon | kuaź | zor-em-en | busy-je | öz | vetle | no […] | |
yesterday weather rain‑NMLZ‑INSCOM meadow‑ILL NEG.PST.3 | go.CNG.PL | PCL |
‘Yesterday they did not go to the meadow because it was raining.’ (Georgieva 2018: 78)
In Udmurt, non-finite adverbial subordination is the most commonly realized with the help of converbs: -sa can be used to refer to simultaneous events, anteriority (1) or posteriority, while -ku is used only for events happening at the same time (2), and -toź mainly to express posteriority, though it can also be used with the interpretation ‘until, while’. Non-finite reason and temporal adverbial subordination is expressed using various postpositions such as bere ‘after’, ‘as’ (temporal and reason adverbial meaning) (3), aźyn ‘before’ (temporal), vylyś ‘because of’ (reason), dyrja ‘during the time of’ (temporal). The non-finite forms ending in -(e)myś and -(e)men (4) are traditionally regarded as adverbial participles, but there are reasons to identify them as instances of nominalization (nominalizing suffix + case marker). (Georgieva 2018: 76–80, 87–94)
Author: Laura Horváth