

XOV: The basic word order is XOV.

XVO: The basic word order is XVO.

VXO: The basic word order is VXO.

VOX: The basic word order is VOX.

(1)ta börśykyšnomurtsssr-yś vcik-lentöro-jez-ly m. kalińin-ly gožtet gožt-e (...)
this afterwomanSzSzSzRELA VCIKGENleader3SGDAT M. KalinyinDATletterwrite3SG
’After this the woman writes a letter to M. Kalinin, head of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR (...) (Udmurt Dunne 2020/11)

(2)ivan luppovičkyšno-jez-leś gožtet baśt-e.
’Ivan Luppovich receives a letter from his wife.’ (Y. S)
(3)ivan luppovičbaśt-e kyšno-jez-leś gožtet.
IvánLuppovichget3SG wife3SGABLletter
’Iván Luppovich receives a letter from his wife.’ (Y. S.)

(4)lingvist-jos ötća-zy erika-jez odig užrad-e.
‘The linguists invited Erika to an event.’ (Y. S.)

’The organizers invited specialists of various fields to Izhevsk.’ (Y. S.)

(6)orgańizator-jos ötća-zy Iževsk-e pörtem udys-yś specialist-jos-ty.
’The organizers invited specialists of various fields to Izhevsk.’ (Y. S.)

In Udmurt, the basic word order can be both SOV and SVO, irrespective of the definiteness and other grammatical properties of S and O (Asztalos 2018, see also the parameter on Basic word order (S, V, O)). Nominal adverbials can appear in XOV (1)–(2), VXO (3), (6), VOX (4) and XVO (5) orders, the neutral status of a particular order, however, depends on the type of the nominal adverbial, the context, as well as the lexical meaning of certain sentence elements. More research is needed to establish the details.

Author: Laura Horváth

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