
StAdj & StAdjM

StAdj: The order is standard, adjective; markers are not used.

StAdjM: The order is standard, adjective, marker.

(1) arslan –gondyr-leś kužmo(-ges) pöjšur.
lionbearABLstrong(COMP) wild_animal
’A lion is a wild animal that is stronger than a bear.’ (Y. S.)

(2) mon todmatsk-i ćeber-ges kart-e-leś pijaš-en (…).
ImeetPST.1SG handsomeCOMP husband1SGABLboyINSCOM
’I met a boy who is more handsome than my husband (…).’ (Asztalos 2018: 161)

In Udmurt, the standard of comparison typically precedes the adjective in comparative constructions (1). The adjective is either morphologically unmarked or carries the comparative suffix -ges (in some dialects -gem).

According to a survey carried out by Asztalos (2018: 161–162), the adjective – comparative marker – standard order is also acceptable for younger speakers of Udmurt (2), but due to its marginal presence it was disregarded when determining the value of the parameter.

Author: Erika Asztalos

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