

FocQ: The question morpheme directly follows the focus or its root.

(1) vań=a ulon ďiplom bere?
be=¤Q life degree after
’Is there life after getting a degree?’ (Mynam malpanjosy 26.07.2015)

(2) mon dyšetiś-yn=a uža-lo malpa-śko-dy?
I teacherINE=Q workFUT.1SG thinkPRS2PL
’Do you think I will work as a teacher?’ (AnnushkaZagumennova 27.02.2014)

(3) kytyś ke lydʒ́-em=a meda, aćiz=a syče malpan-e vu-i-z?
where_from PCL readPST2.3SG=Q Q self.3SG=Q such thoughtILL arrivePST3SG
’Did (s)he read it somewhere or it is his/her own idea?’ (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 347)

In Udmurt polar questions the question particle -a encliticizes to the predicate (1), (3) or – in case the question does not refer to the predicate or the truth of the whole sentence – the focused element (2). Its position therefore is determined by the position of the predicate or the constituent with focus (Asztalos 2018: 146, 148–149).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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