

SOV: The basic word order of content questions is SOV.

SVO: The basic word order of content questions is SVO.

VSO: The basic word order of content questions is VSO.

VOS: The basic word order of content questions is VOS.

OVS: The basic word order of content questions is OVS.

’How did Oleg kill the cockroaches?’ (Y. S.)

(2)kyźyoľegbydt-i-z tarakan-jos-yz?
howOlegkillPST3SG cockroachPLACC
’How did Oleg kill the cockroaches?’ (Y. S.)

(3)kyźybydt-i-z oľegtarakan-jos-yz?
how killPST3SGOlegcockroachPLACC
’How did Oleg kill the cockroaches?’ (Y. S.)

(4)kyźybydt-i-z tarakan-jos-yzoľeg?
how killPST3SGcockroachPLACCOleg
’How did Oleg kill the cockroaches?’ (Y. S.)

(5)kyźytarakan-jos-yz bydt-i-zoľeg?
how cockroachPLACCkillPST3SGOleg
’How did Oleg kill the cockroaches?’ (Y. S.)

(6)kyźy tarakan-jos-yz oľegbydt-i-z?
how cockroachPLACCOlegkillPST3SG
’As for Oleg, how did he kill the cockroaches?’ (Y. S.)

OlegcockroachPLACChow killPST3SG
’How did Oleg kill the cockroaches?’ (Y. S.)

The neutral word order of content questions in Udmurt can be anything with the exception of OSV (6), see (1)–(5) (Y. S.). The OSV word order in (6) is a non-neutral order with focus on the subject (Y. S.) (6). The question word is most commonly in initial position (1)–(6), but it can also be in situ (7) or other positions, for more details see the parameter on the word order of interrogative phrases. In (7) the question word receives focus stress, therefore it cannot be considered a neutral sentence in spite of the SOV order (Y. S.).)

Author: Erika Asztalos

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