
VNec & NecV & SuffNec

VNec: Necessity is expressed through the use of an independent word that appears (indirectly or directly) after the verb.

NecV: Necessity is expressed through the use of an independent word that appears (indirectly or directly) before the verb.

SuffNec: Necessity is expressed through the use of suffixes attaching to the verb stem.

’I didn’t go to school to teach today. I should have gone to Alnash, but I couldn’t.’ (UdmCorp.)

kuleodno_ikosky-nyso-ly (…)
’If a boy loves a girl he must definitely believe her (…)’ (UdmCorp.)

’You have to go there through Ekaterinburg.’ (UdmCorp.)

In Udmurt, necessity is expressed by combining the auxiliary kule ‘must’ and the infinitive (1)–(2). The most common word order is head-final (1) but head-initial orders are also attested (2). The use of the head-initial variant may depend on dialectal and sociolinguistic factors such as age (Asztalos 2018: 109–113). Necessity can also be expressed using the necessitive participial suffix -(o)no (3) (Keľmakov – Hännikäinen 2008: 105).

Author: Laura Horváth

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