
JuxtaN&DM & ConnN&DM & Monomorf&DM & MorfRepet&DM

JuxtaN&DM: Juxtaposition (zero-marking) is used to express nominal conjunction; dependent marking (DM) is used to express the comitative.

ConnN&DM: A medial connective is used to express nominal conjunction; dependent marking is used to express the comitative.

Monomorf&DM: One constituent in a nominal conjunction is marked by an affix or adposition; dependent marking is used to mark the comitative.

MorfRepet&DM: All constituents in a nominal conjunction are marked by the same affix or adposition; dependent marking is used to express the comitative.

’Then the meadows and forests revive, the fields awaken.’ (Vakhrushev et al. 1974: 111)

’The tzar ruthlessly suppressed the revolt of the government workers and peasants.’ (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 219)

’Coal, petroleum, manganese, gypsum and mineral dyes can be found there.’ (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 219)

’But Aunt Tatyana and Petya walked to the meadow.’ (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 103)

’Petya and Vasya have come.’ (Zubova 2019: 291)

(6)vaśa-en peťa-enlykt-i-zy.
’Vasya and Petya came.’ (Zubova 2019: 292)

’Petya came with Vasya.’ (Zubova 2019: 291)

’Vasya studies together with Kolya.’ (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 323)

In Udmurt the coordination of nominals can be expressed by juxtaposition (1), the use of a conjunction (2)–(3) or instrumental-comitative case (4)–(6) (cf. Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 324–325, Alatyrev et al. 1970: 219, Zubova 2019). In case the nominals in instrumental-comitative case function as the subject, the predicate has a plural form (4)–(6) (Zubova 2019: 292). Coordination with a conjunction or instrumental-comitative case can be monosyndetic (2), (4), (5), or bi- (or poly-) syndetic (3), (6) (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 324–325, Alatyrev 1970: 219, Zubova 2019: 286). Comitative meanings are also expressed using instrumental-comitative case (7) (Zubova 2019), or with the help of the postposition čoš ’together’ taking instrumental-comitative nominals (8) (Perevoshchikov et al. 1962: 323). Comitative constructions are always monosyndetic and – since they are dependent constituents – the predicate is singular when the subject is singular (Zubova 2019: 291).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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