
InitRzerPro & RzerSuff (& RzerPro)

InitRzerPro: Relative clauses are marked by the use of an obligatory clause-initial relative pronoun.

RzerSuff: Relative clauses are marked by the use of a relativizing suffix that attaches directly or indirectly to the root of the verb stem.

RzerPro: Relative clauses are marked by the use of a relative pronoun; the word order of relative pronouns within the relative clause is not obligatorily clause-initial or clause-final.

’I was cured by the (same) doctor who saw the commander as well.’ (Vakhrushev et al. 1974: 43)

’the child (acc) who this woman saw in the street’ (Dékány–Tánczos 2016)

’But in America there are no laws protecting indigenous peoples.’ (Marajko 17.09.2014)

Udmurt relative clauses can be real subordinate clauses containing a finite verb (1), (2), or participial constructions (3). Finite relative clauses include a relative pronoun typically surfacing in a clause-initial position (1). Less frequently it can appear in a different position clause-internally (2).

Author: Erika Asztalos

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